Thursday, February 12, 2009

The worst thing...

You know what the worst thing is? Contrary to what Ellen believes it is not pickle juice in the eye. It's when after 2 or 3 days of doing everything right (exercising, eating wonderfully, feeling great) you get on the scale and it moves up. Seriously? What immediately goes through my head are all the things I didn't eat and I think for a moment...what's the point.

I'm an immediate gratification kinda gal. I like to buy something, come home and use it. If I work hard I want to see results.

Last week on "The Biggest Loser" Gillian (the trainer) made a big stink about the whole "I haven't lost any weight, I've lost inches" deal. She says it's bologna...(balony?...what kind of spelling is this anyways?) Bologna maybe. But I think it's a nessesary mantra for those of us who are doing everything right and don't see the scale move in the direction want. Otherwise, what's the point?

Hopefully I can look back at this 6 months from now and realize that all I needed was a little patience.


At February 12, 2009 at 8:52 AM , Blogger jujulime said...

Dearest Reba- have you realized that I have checked your blog 100 times??? I know it's so frustrating when you feel that you couldn't have done anything better and then you step on the scale and nothing shows. Here are my 2 thoughts... hows your sodium going?? are you retaining water? is the time of the month comin around the corner? Do you weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh yourself. If you've answered "i've done all of that" then just stick with it and maybe your body is storing up for the next week for a big loss... HOWEVER, as much as we are concentrating on the scale going down just keep in mind that you're changing inside and out you're becoming stronger,healthier and using your body to it's fullest potential rather than taking it forgranted everyday. So hang in there... haha i weighed myself when i went to vegas on the hotel scale... it was scary and then i weighed myself in the morning ... i lost 45 pounds

lovingly yours forever and ever....

your lover.

At February 12, 2009 at 9:26 AM , Blogger Becky said...

Thanks buddy! Your right. Optimism is key. And I know that I feel wonderful and that's half the battle. In regards to sodium...the online nutrition thingy measures it and I'm ALWAYS like 200% above what my sodium should be. That's without pickles, spitz, or adding salk to anything. Also my Niacin (Vitamen B3) is always way to high. Which is odd. I need to figure out the soduim thing though.

That is so funny about vegas...weird. But funny.

Thanks for reading my blog. If you check it so often I will start to post random comments just for you.


At February 12, 2009 at 8:33 PM , Blogger jujulime said...

I bet you're retaining water - which means you need to bump up the water consumption even more and i know you drink it like a mad woman but it will flush it out of you so be peeing every 3 mins instead of 5. My weight fluctuates so much! Its' ridoncoulous! ps: i joined W.W and i loveit! today was an okay eating day until some girls from class came over to make cupcakes for our class tomorrow for v-day... yikes... but i recorded it all down... i have to be honest about what i'm eating haha i saw this quote

"everything you eat in secret is seen in public"

which is so true...


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