A new addition to the blog.

I feel as though there are many interesting words that would benefit from use in our vocabulary. If it were not for the thesaurus, words such as 'transmogrify' may have failed to enlighten our essays and conversations. Therefor, I will provide you with a word of the day. I will attempt to find an interesting word. I encourage you to use this word in conversation. Today I have chosen to also provide you with a picture to further elaborate. This picture was taken this morning out my studio window. It features hoar frost. Not to be confused with whore frost.
frigorific • \frig-uh-RIFF-ik\ • adjective
: causing cold : chilling
Example Sentence: Julie shivered as she faced the frigorific blast of wind blowing off the lake.
Almost sounds like I made it up eh?...well I didn't. Enjoy.
Is that a real word? because it is fantastic not to be used in it's actual context but more like a "fucking fantastic" kind of context. keep them coming.
i can't stress enough how i love you blog.
the other day someone in class mentioned my old xanga site... i was embarrassed... but on the other hand why are they google searching my name?
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