Top Ten (well eleven...) Reasons I Love Mariah

11) I love her version of O Holy Night. There is a moment in that song where she literally takes over the high violin part with her voice. It's phenomenal. Totally unnecessary, but phenomenal none the less.
10) She said "My mother is Irish, my father is black and Venezuelan, and me - I'm tan, I guess." Seriously? This is why I sometimes feel embarrassed to admit she is my hero.
9) She made a movie about a mixed race little girl with a weird relationship with her father who, ironically, becomes a famous singer. And she can't understand why people think it's autobiographical.
8) "One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting." Think about this. 3 octaves. C below middle C to 2 C's above middle C. This is my entire range. She regained these notes after quitting smoking. Oh my heck. I'm sorry I missed hearing her sing during her smoking period. I'm thinking about taking up smoking....if I quit do you think I could gain another octave or 2?
7) She's all about taking a theme and really running with it. She has a song called 'Butterfly', she has a butterfly tattoo, she has a butterfly belly button chain, she has 2 fragrances both in butterfly shaped containers and she said, and I quote, "Butterflies are always following me, everywhere I go.” I can dig this sort of thing. I love bandwagons.
6) She is the greatest Diva ever. She admits it. "I know I can be diva-ish sometimes, but I have to be in control. The nature of my life, the nature of what I do, is divadom, it really is.” Can you imagine her and Celine doing a duet. haha haha haha. "When I was a little girl, I had a rag doll.../ oooo.......oooooo!/ heeeeeee....ohhhhhh etc" It would be intense. Sort of like us singing in the car on the way to Vancouver. But with more hair.
5) She does the best interviews. If you ever get the chance look up her interview on Rachael Ray. I seriously sat on the floor 3 feet from the TV laughing hysterically. I thought I was going to loose it. I thought Rachael Ray was going to loose it. She tried to be all casual but it so didn't work. It was like Stepford meets transsexual meets exactly how you think Mariah would be. It was weird. And I almost had to turn it off. But sometimes I think about it when I'm about to fall asleep?
4) "I decided to make my own ski-wear range after I found there were no fashion outfits for me to wear on the piste. "....can you imagine her skiing. After seeing her walking down stairs at the concert I can't really believe she could ski. She would however look mighty fine in a one-piece ski suit....unzipped of course to reveal large breasts and a studded bra.
3) She really honestly believes in rainbows and butterflies and inspiration and heroes and daydreams and dreamlovers and all the other things real R&B singers won't sing about. But she also wrote "Touch my body," Fantasy" and "Honey." She's not afraid to mix sex and unicorns. Again....I really dig this type of thing.
2) "You'll always be a part of me, I'm part of you indefinitely. Boy don't you know you can't escape. Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby." Need I say more?
1) I can honestly say that she evoked so much emotion in me at her concert that I could not stand up. I screamed and I cried and I fell and I sang and I cried some more. For Mariah. If it wasn't for my wedding I'm afraid it would have been the most memorable time in my life. And Lord knows she had the enthusiasm of butterfly with all the dust rubbed off it's wings.
REBA ...A-MAZING.This blog is hilarious it highlights your love for MC so well... Please let me list my favorite numbers...
10, 7, 4, 1
i think you really should have challenged yourself and you should have done a top 100... 101... next time , think about it.
ps: Love the new window flower blog look...
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