Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Extremely Random

myriad • \MEER-ee-ud\ • noun
1 : ten thousand
*2 : a great number
Example Sentence:The octo-mom received a myriad of e-mails suggesting that she she not a fit mother.

Please note that TRANSMORGRIFY was on page 360-something of the book I just finished. I laughed.

I had to go to the University yesterday to meet with an accompanist. It's strange how a place can have such a great impact on how you feel. The university makes me feel anxious. Strange, and out of place. I feel like I know something that none of the students know and I just want to yell "None of this freaking matters!!!" It's the same feeling that I have when my 15 year old students come to lessons crying because of parents/boyfriends/friends. I want to say, "Listen, I know it all seems like it means so much now, but trust me, in a few years you'll look back and realize that none of this stuff is really that big of a deal." I usually don't say that because it's about as effective talking to a wall. However, it's interesting to think about.
The thing is, nothing in life really matters, until you add up all the little parts and experiences. I am who I am because of every little thing I've done in my life. The fact that I dated whomever, and didn't clean my room and didn't screw up my recitals and finished my papers on time didn't make me who I am. BUT, I dated who I dated and realized what I wanted in a husband and found that in Cory and didn't settle for any less. I look at all the little things in my life that I dread or don't think I can complete and I remember the fact that I DID that recital and FINISHED those papers and I have the potential to do whatever I want, if I just do it. That fact is worth more than the piece of paper that represents the degree I have framed on my wall.
I have no idea where I'm going with this. I guess the point is: Here's the secret people-none of it matters, but just do it because at some point in all this SOMETHING will matter. You won't know what it is until you look back and as they say, everything is 20/20 in hindsight. If your lucky you'll find out that you can take a lot of crap from an ass who thinks he's the king of the world and come out the otherside a more confident and self-assured girl, you'll find out that you can complete whatever you try, even with a deadline or an audience staring you in the face, you might even meet your husband or your best friend. Life is weird. This makes no sense. Talk to you soon.


At March 6, 2009 at 4:27 PM , Blogger jujulime said...

small child, i have tried posting my comment now for 3 days... so here is another attempt...
I couldn't imagine going into UofL, haha just thinking about it gives me a wee bit of an anxiety attack. too much brain washing and unnecessary tears occured there. ahhaha but like you said it has somehow shaped who i am , and ultimately led me to meeting my i guess all in all it was a good thing??? haha! Anyways i miss you, i miss ricky's, suzy sheer, tim hortons, south beach, spinning classes, last minute papers, popcorn with a million grms of sodium, clothing optional, fake tanning, random talks, many laughs, you falling, me crying, seperate phone lines in the same house chats, and the list goes on ... move here soon please.

the end.


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