There are no short cuts to any place worth going...
...the long road to the ideal me.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hi my name is Reba, and I have a problem....

My problem is this: Selective Forgetfulness. I'm not sure if it's a real word. But it's definitely my problem. I did something today which I know in the past I have sworn to myself I'd never do again. I signed up for a spinning class. Sigh.
I saw a sign advertising 8 weeks of spinning for $100 at my gym. It looked exciting. The people in the picture looked like they were having fun. They looked happy. That could be me!!For some reason, I thought "Yeah, I should totally do that." As I walked to my car a few minutes later it all came flooding back to me. 5am, wanting to pass out, girl from India fasting, SB, no hard candies for us, and alas....quitting after 3 (or 2?) sessions. Had I lost my mind? Perhaps the exercise high had affected by better judgment. Was I forgetting how much I hated spinning?
There are however 3 main differences this time around.
#1 (and probably most importantly) - I will be consuming food on a regular basis. I may even (gasp!) have some carbs before I go.
#2 - The class starts at 9am. Much better than 6am.
#3 - I may have, possibly, built up a little stamina during my last few months at the gym. Hopefully.
I know it will be hard. But dammit I refuse to get off the bike and walk out with 8 other people watching me. I can do it. I will hate it. I already hate it. But I think it will be good.
I have chosen to selectively forget my previous spinning experience, in the hopes of creating better and much for lasting positive memories.
I still hate it though.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
There is a new addition to the bottom of my blog. A funny pic. I will change it every time you comment. So check it out.
Read the post below with your hub-hub. Funny stuff.
Ficticious account...not even loosely based on reality.
Name: Tina
Type: Hamster
Breed: Teddy Bear
Age: 8 months
Length of Stay: 15-20 hours
Special instructions: If Tina dies, please replace her with another, very similar looking hamster.
Our Story
Tina arrived late in the afternoon. Her mommy and daddy said they would be arriving around 3pm, but I did not get the opportunity to meet this precious girl until close to 4pm. The weather is cool, about -5 degrees and there are some clouds. I recommend covering the cage during transport of Tina to prevent illness due to a draft. She seemed a little chilly when she arrived.
4pm-5pm - Tina and I took a little time to used to one another. I let her sniff around her cage to get used to the new smells. I have begun adding one drop of my house water into her water every 10 minutes to get her used to my distilled water. Distilled water will be better for her system.
5-6pm - Tina showed some interest in leaving her cage so we both decided it might be nice to explore the living room. Although I have no hamsters of my own, I have place several rodent friendly toys around the house. Various tubes for them to run through and things of that nature. The weather is changing a bit. I feel a little precipitation in the air. I'm sensing that Tina feels it too. Her hair seems electrically charged. Have you noticed this at all?
6-7pm - We settle in for a late dinner. I bring Tina to the table in her cage and we share some greens. She seems to be enjoying my organic selections. Have you considered switching her to an organic diet? Also, note that her urine has a pleasing odor due to my distilled water.
7-8pm - I get on the elliptical and I can see Tina looking at me longingly. I set up the ball for her and we run along side each other. I think there was a moment when our hearts we beating in sync. What a fit girl she is!
8-9pm - The weather has turned for the worst and a storm has moved in. Tina seems a little frightened so we will both sleep in the basement this evening. I have set my alarm for every 45min to check on her.
9:45, 10:30, 11:15, Midnight, 1:45, 2:30, 3:15, 4:00, 4:45, 5:30, 6:15 - Woke up to check on Tina. Don't worry, I didn't wake her. I simply laid my head near her to check if she was breathing. She was.
7am - Tina and I woke up. We had a light breakfast of more organic greens. I also gave her some of my home-made honey stick...she LOVED it. I will send her home with some for a special treat. We watch the news and wait for mommy and daddy to pic her up
8:30am - You have just called and are around the corner. It's like she knows your coming, her eyes just lit up!
Thank you so much for trusting me with Tina's Care. Although I am not a vet or a professional of any kind and even though I do not personally own a hamster, these are my recommendations for Tina.
1) Switch to distilled water in her water tube. There is a noticeable difference in her odor.
2) Consider organic greens. Much better on the system. Do you really want her ingesting all those pesticides?
3) Get her eyes checked. She seemed to be squinting a lot, especially in the dark. This may be a sign of early onset diabetes.
4) Cover her cage during transport. Would you got out without a coat?
5) Gah, I don't know why, but I have the slightest suspicion that Tina may like to eat ham. Or maybe not.
Total Cost for Services Rendered = $16.50
Friday, March 13, 2009
Who's Bad?

"People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do
'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth..."
I simply can not explain how I feel about this man. It's a little unnatural. Or maybe not. I get hives whenever I see him. I feel like it's the first day of grade ten whenever I watch his videos. His music makes me giddy. Think Janet + Mariah + Celine. Times ten.
He just announced concerts in London earlier this week and I tried everything to try and get tickets. To London. How in the heck was I going to afford to go to London? I almost got crazy about it. I had a plan to work for extra money at Tim Horton's and everything. I decided I would work as the sandwich maker.
The point is, I have no idea why I am willing to do this sort of thing for a singer. A crazy man at that. But I tell ya, when he puts that hat on and tilts it in front of his face and you squint your eyes a little and if the lighting is just could almost swear he looks like a human being. The craziest thing is, I know for a fact that I would pass out and miss the whole concert. When I watch the concert DVD's I get light headed and hyperventalate a little. So whats the damn point? Still, it kills me to think I wont ever see him perform. Makes me really sad. I truely would do just about anything to be there.
I think I need to talk to someone about my obession with people that I don't know. What do you think?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
OMG, we coulda used this during SB

I have not tried them but I intend to very soon. I'm going to have to look up the agave nectar.
The following is a copy and paste from
This has about 2/3 the calories of other brownies. Calories aside, I think the real benefit to this recipe is the fact that beans take a lot longer to digest than white flour and are thus lower on the glycemic index, which measures the rise in blood sugar after a certain food is consumed. The substitution of agave nectar for sugar is going to make this a lower glycemic index dessert. Just remember: it is still dessert! So eat in moderation and enjoy.
Black Bean Brownies!!!
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
1 cup unsalted butter
2 cups soft-cooked black beans, rinsed and drained (I used canned)
1 cup walnuts, chopped
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup instant espresso coffee
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 large eggs1
1/2 cups agave nectar
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly spray a 9 x 13 inch baking pan with vegetable oil.
On the stovetop, melt the chocolate and butter and blend it together thoroughly with a spoon. In a food processor, blend together the beans, half the walnuts, vanilla and a few spoonfuls of the melted butter-chocolate. The mixture should be smooth and thick.
In another large bowl, mix together the remaining half of the walnuts, the rest of the chocolate-butter, espresso and salt. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs until light and creamy. Add the agave nectar and beat together with the eggs thoroughly. Set aside.
Add the bean mixture to the coffee/chocolate mixture and blend well. Then add the egg mixture and mix until well incorporated.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until brownies are set and a toothpick can be inserted and removed clean. Let cool completely before cutting into squares. Refrigerate to enhance firmness and prolong freshness.
On the stovetop, melt the chocolate and butter and blend it together thoroughly with a spoon. In a food processor, blend together the beans, half the walnuts, vanilla and a few spoonfuls of the melted butter-chocolate. The mixture should be smooth and thick.
In another large bowl, mix together the remaining half of the walnuts, the rest of the chocolate-butter, espresso and salt. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.
In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs until light and creamy. Add the agave nectar and beat together with the eggs thoroughly. Set aside.
Add the bean mixture to the coffee/chocolate mixture and blend well. Then add the egg mixture and mix until well incorporated.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until brownies are set and a toothpick can be inserted and removed clean. Let cool completely before cutting into squares. Refrigerate to enhance firmness and prolong freshness.
Do vegetarians eat Animal Crackers?
This blog entry could alternativly be known as;
"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?"
In my ever-present search for a more fulfilling existence I have come across "The Food Blog." The food blog is a marvelous thing. Especially when there are pictures. I can spend hours searching these blogs while cutting and pasting recipes. I believe I may start to take pictures of my especially appealing dishes. (I think your friend does that...come to think of it, doesn't she have a food blog.....what is it?)
Anyways, this is my new favorite past-time and I thought you might be interested. The following link is a good place to start.
PS - I'm anxiously awaiting your blog premiere. Please hurry up already :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Extremely Random
myriad • \MEER-ee-ud\ • noun
1 : ten thousand
*2 : a great number
Example Sentence:The octo-mom received a myriad of e-mails suggesting that she she not a fit mother.
Please note that TRANSMORGRIFY was on page 360-something of the book I just finished. I laughed.
I had to go to the University yesterday to meet with an accompanist. It's strange how a place can have such a great impact on how you feel. The university makes me feel anxious. Strange, and out of place. I feel like I know something that none of the students know and I just want to yell "None of this freaking matters!!!" It's the same feeling that I have when my 15 year old students come to lessons crying because of parents/boyfriends/friends. I want to say, "Listen, I know it all seems like it means so much now, but trust me, in a few years you'll look back and realize that none of this stuff is really that big of a deal." I usually don't say that because it's about as effective talking to a wall. However, it's interesting to think about.
The thing is, nothing in life really matters, until you add up all the little parts and experiences. I am who I am because of every little thing I've done in my life. The fact that I dated whomever, and didn't clean my room and didn't screw up my recitals and finished my papers on time didn't make me who I am. BUT, I dated who I dated and realized what I wanted in a husband and found that in Cory and didn't settle for any less. I look at all the little things in my life that I dread or don't think I can complete and I remember the fact that I DID that recital and FINISHED those papers and I have the potential to do whatever I want, if I just do it. That fact is worth more than the piece of paper that represents the degree I have framed on my wall.
I have no idea where I'm going with this. I guess the point is: Here's the secret people-none of it matters, but just do it because at some point in all this SOMETHING will matter. You won't know what it is until you look back and as they say, everything is 20/20 in hindsight. If your lucky you'll find out that you can take a lot of crap from an ass who thinks he's the king of the world and come out the otherside a more confident and self-assured girl, you'll find out that you can complete whatever you try, even with a deadline or an audience staring you in the face, you might even meet your husband or your best friend. Life is weird. This makes no sense. Talk to you soon.