The butterfly effect.

So I was doing some thinking and I realized that if I stick to WW and loose 1 lb per week I can be at my (first) goal of 150lbs by Nov 16th of this year. That's 28 weeks of loosing 1lb per week. Total loss of 39 lbs. I can totally do that. That would also allow me to be at 165lbs by our anniversary on Aug 8th. That would be a loss of 24lbs. All these little, seemingly inadequate loses over all the weeks do add up. And they can add up pretty quick in the grand scheme of things. Some little thing you do today, making that right decision this afternoon, really can impact the future you. It's like those time lapse pics on BL. It's difficult to notice the loses week by week (even though they were often loosing double digits...) but when you watch the time lapse, it all adds up to AMAZING results.
I've been doing WW for almost a month now. 4 weeks on this coming Monday. If someone would have said to me a month ago, "hey, I have a guaranteed way for you to loose 11+ pounds in the next month" you can bet I would have jumped at the opportunity and told everyone I know. Is it really this easy? Not that it is easy, per say, but if this is all I had to do from the beginning...geeesh; all that strife over trying to loose weight.
I'm starting to think that all those people who have "tried everything" and couldn't loose weight, really didn't try everything. I think in the majority of cases (save for some people with medical limitations) this eating well and exercising does work. Over time. Of course there will be set backs. Gains some weeks, nothing in other weeks. But over time, in the grand scheme of things, the body responds. If it doesn't, you didn't really do it.
This is just my opinion. I suppose it could change if I loose some momentum. But for now, I really truly believe this.
Hey, what is your final goal? You sound like you're doing great up so far. I think the actual secret with this is to accept that its not going to happen overnight. A one pound a week goal is totally do-able!
haah well reba i agree with skinny me... i mean it's not going to happen overnight and that is something i myself have to just digest and smash down my throat everyday so yes your butterfuly affect is totally true all the little losses add up to a major loss. ps: nov 18 = goal... then i say Feb 18th 2010 we shall celebrate your 12 week we baby. hahaha xoxo call you tomorrow WI !!!!
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