Monday, April 27, 2009

And the number is....

So I did my WI this morning and glory be to God it is a good number. Before I tell you what it is, I feeled complelled to mention the following.

1) I have not felt acutally "hungry" since I figured out to eat more filling foods.
2) This was in NO WAY painful. I actually felt like I was eating a ton.
3) I absolutly KNOW that I have not lost any muscle mass, becuase Jillian has been kicking my butt everyday on top of normal gym stuff.
4) I have the most energy I've had in a while and definitly don't feel that weak "I'm gonna pass out-SB feeling"
5) I kind of, sort of, almost, well alight....believe that diet and exercise is the right way to lose weight? Until of course I reach some plateau, (ie JUJU) and get frusterated and have visions of Jello fat-free pudding dancing in my head.

Please also note that this # is up there with SB numbers. Also, I feel like I'm on the biggest loser.

Most importantly, I know I have set the standard high and I DO NOT expect numbers like this weekly. I understand the this is normal for week 1 and much of it is probably water weight and my body will level out.


-7.5 lbs

Time to celebrate!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

We need a change, yeah, do it today, yeah....

Alright, so this WW think seems to be going really really well. I am as motivated or mre motivated as I was on day 1. Yes, it has ony been 6 days (and really only 5 since I began the proper eating - but my wiegh in day in on Monday) but I feel super. I think the shredding has a lot to do with this greatness too.
Please note, that after 6 days of WW and 7 days of shredding I can now fit back into AND do up my pair os silver jeans that last week I couldn't get over my big bum. I'm not saying I'm wearing them out quite yet (sitting down doesn't look pretty at all) BUT, I have them on and done up. I'm actally looking forward to the weigh in on Monday. Also, I took my measurements on Monday as well and I'll take them again after 15 days of shredding just to see.
The eating is definitly under control. I am now seeing how much more I was eating on a daily basis. It's not that I was eating junk, but I was definitly eating all day. Oddly, I've made better and more yummy recipes the last few days and I don't feel like I am "depriving myself" at all at meals, which I think is the point.
Anyways, I begin this weekend motivated to continue. And that's more than I could have asked for.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday already?

Woke up pretty hungry this morning.

Breakfast - Raisin Bran w/ Milk

Did Shredding

Went to Costco and bought a ton of yummy food. I came to the realization that just eating 1/3 of what I normally ate to get to my points leaves me damn hungry. SOOO, new recipes and much more success today!

Lunch - Chicken wrap with Sweet Thai Chili Sauce (yummy!) and 1 cup of Veg. Soup

Snack - ALL BRAN BAR - A -- MA -- ZING

Dinner - Chicken quesidilla filled with veggies. Made with one wrap folded over. SOOO good and I'm feeling a little more than full right now. Which is good.

Snack - I have planned to have strawberries, grapes and an apple for my snack.

All in all, good day. Going to make it to the gym Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon and shredding so should be great :)

Snow Day!

So it's blizzarding outside. In April. Yesterday it was 22 degrees. Today, 3 feet of snow and fricken freezing. Geesh.

Got up at 7:30 and did my Shredding beofre teaching this morning. Day 5 level 1. I think I'll move onto level 2 tomorrow to give my shins a break. The butt kicks and jump rope are the problem. Looking forward to it.

I checked out some of those blogs form the WW Thread you started yesterday. Awesome! Facebook is a joke, I can waste WAY more time with WW, haha. But seriously, it's all good motivating stuff. Better than who broke up with so and so etc.

I'd like to make a trip to Costco today and restock veggies etc.....but the roads look bad. We'll see.

Duh....apparently I forgot that there are 0 points foods. I won't make that mistake again. Also, I know it probably isn't permanant, but I couldn't resist getting on the scale today. -3lbs. We'll see if it holds.

I will update again soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eggs Benedict and Feel the Burn

Variety is the spice of life. I've decided to try a new WW recipe each day to avaoid becoming bored. I get bored with food. Then I get angry. Today I tried the Eggs Benedict recipe for breakfast. REALLY yummy. I like sauce, as you know, and this was saucy and yummy and negated the need for margerine or any oil. The recipe says to add an optional drop of yello food coloring to the sauce, so I did. Makes a big difference when it actually looks like what your used to it tasting like. Tricks the brain. Try it.

I'm embracing the WW GDF, haha, I dig the acronyms. What is a DH? I posted a couple things yesteday.

Day four of Shedding today. I'm pumped. I will do it at 10:30. Please note after Shredding today I will have 16 APs for the week. My goal was 20. I'm going to up my goal to 30. No reason at all why I can't do that. PS - I LOVED LOVED LOVED spinning yesterday. Like I've never felt this way about any exercise before. If they had it every day I would go everyday. I think I'm going to try to do like 20min by myself. I'll make a plan.

BL last night. Goodbye to you know who. (Incase you havn't watched it yet....I won't spoil it.) Saw it coming though. Too bad. However, I love the BL Transformation moment. Makes me feel so happy for them.

Got the hubby all started last night with WW. He seems motivated so that's good. We'll see.

Looking forward to my new cookbook.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What came first? The Chicken or the Easter Egg?

Want to know what I did today?

Basically made the most wonderful Easter Eggs Ever! Saw it on Martha Stewart. This is, in fact, my second Martha venture. SO much fun.

Took me about 3 hours to complete. Had to "blow out" all the eggs....sounds gross and kind of is. Then painted with glue and covered in glitter. The polka-dotted ones I dyed first, then used the back of a tack to make little dots to cover in glitter.

Ah what a glorious day. Taking these to the inlaws this weekend, hopefully to be used as a table centerpiece.

Also, had spinning today. It was Wonderful. Did you know you burn 600-1000 per 45min? Makes me love it even more.

So excited for your arrival :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I start spinning this morning. I'm excited and also dreading it. I havn't been to the gym in like a week because Kiwanis prevented me from having more than 2 hrs free at a time. I've been looking forward to getting back to my schedule. I like schdules. I don't work so well under randomness anymore. I'm feeling motivated to get back to the routine again. I'll let you know how it goes.

Easy to find but hard to keep, this motivation thing is tough.

Please also note that I am currently reading a Judy Garland Biography ("Get Happy...the life of Judy Garland.") Did you know that her real name was Frances Ethel Gumm? SHe changed it as a teenager and success followed. Perhaps if I should change my name too. This "Becky" is getting a little old. :)